What are the benefits of personal branding?

In today’s highly competitive work environment, it is now not enough to have a formal education or qualification to make an impact. Although companies do still search for talent and hard work, these do not mean anymore the turning point they used to be. In order to be outstanding in the large crowd, you need to build your own personal brand that will make you noted. According to the Forbes magazine , the benefits of personal branding are immense. Here you can find the most relevant ones:

  • You become selectively famous among the people or area that needs to know you
  • You minimize imposter syndrome as you promote your unique and genuine self
  • You attract opportunities
  • You amplify the joy factor as personal branding is equal to a work that permits you to express your passions and create an impact
  • You grow your wealth as people tend to pay more for strong brands
  • You achieve your personal goals as your authenticity permits you to align with your work aspirations
  • You increase your confidence as you gain self-awareness and self-assuredness

PBRAND4ALL aims to achieve the mentioned key points with the usage of an online tool that will give you the chance to improve your transversal skills by a practical appliance and a self-evaluation system. By entrusting each partner with the development of two skills, they have created a set of cards that will give users the chance to practice in depth each competence and evaluate themselves in that area. To do so, each skill is divided into sub-competences that will need to be trained and self-assessed to ensure the completion or the achievement of the general competence. Moreover, each skill will include three levels (basic, intermediate and advanced) that will need to be passed in order to get the badge that assures the accomplishment of the competence.

The consortium of the project has agreed on the chosen skills as key factors that will help the users in their professional future. Furthermore, as the purpose is to help as many people as possible, the competences are not specific of an area but transversal for all sectors.

Empower your individual skills so that you can gather as many beneficial inputs as possible; and create more opportunities.

Personal Branding on a Digital World…

For the upcoming generations, the social media platforms are the norm. This does not change even in the professional realm, as major applications have been launched with the purpose of serving users as a window to promote themselves in the labour market. A great example would be LinkedIn, an entirely professional system based on the idea of personal branding. In other words, first impressions have moved online and you need to create a profile that it is aligned with whom you are and whom you want to be, which also attracts the attention of enterprises.

For such reasons, PBRAND4ALL has the purpose of creating an online and open-access tool for those who wish to develop their personal brand, by encouraging the training of their personal competences called the “Genie”. This result will be presented as a visually attractive and easy to understand solution for those who want to keep improving and make a difference.

Your online first impression needs to be aligned with whom you are and whom you want to be noted on the labour market.
Increase your visibility in the digital world by strengthening your personal brand with the “Genie” tool.

Last updates to the project activities

Partnership of the project consists of six partners from the United Kingdom, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Spain. They met online for the second time on the 10th of November of 2021. They discussed about the development of the diverse activities that were established to do up till that moment in regards to the card skill collection and their assessment methods. They also reached an agreement on the core goal of the project and the following steps to achieve. Moreover, the new division of tasks on dissemination activities was done, after a detailed presentation on the impact of the social media posts done until that moment by the different partners. Ultimately, they stated the next steps for the upcoming months.

Detailed description of the project and its activities are published on the project’s website: http://pbrand4all.eu/ .

Image 1: Second online meeting of the project partners, 10th November 2021 (via Zoom).

The Consortium:


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