ONTRACK: Tracking Learning and Career Paths of VET graduates to improve quality of VET provision.(2018-2020) (http://www.ontrack-project.eu)

AIM: to develop and make use of a tracking system that monitors the alumni and that fits in the quality system of the VET centers.

On Track project will contribute to skills needs identification, gathering relevant data from VET graduates. The project “On Track” will develop, evaluate and put in use a VET graduates tracking system for graduates of initial vocational education and training schools and institutes.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • -To analyse, in depth, the context and need in each country.
  • -To develop a tracking system for VET graduates at institute level that will feed into the quality assurance system of the VET provider
  • -To pilot test and implement the tracking system, establish tracking mechanism and integrate it, in VET monitoring processes.
  • -To support VET providers to establish the tracking mechanism and integrate it into their quality assurance system.

The target groups of the project are VET schools and institutes providing secondary (EQF levels 3-4) and post-secondary (EQF level 5) initial VET as well as institutes providing further VET courses.

The main results of the project will be:

  • O1. Context study of tracking systems and measures
  • O2. Tracking system for VET graduates
  • O3. Guide: Implement tracking system and integrate it into organization quality assurance system